Munira Begmuratova

Munira Begmuratova

Munira Begmuratova

An ambitious soul. Love the company of kind people. Into tech and more.

  • Nov, 2021 - present

    Senior Software Engineer and Community Leader at Toptal

    Developing Toptal’s client CRM platform using Node.js, React, MongoDB etc.

  • 2021

    EPAM Impact 2020 People Developer CEO Award

  • Nov 2019 - Oct 2021

    Software Engineer at EPAM Systems

    Built micro services for payment gateway system which serves billions of transactions annually.

    Worked on the company’s portfolio website of the most interesting and challenging front-end and UX projects developed by EPAM.

  • Oct 2019 – Feb 2021

    Volunteered as country coordinator at free coding bootcamp

    Managed mentoring of hundreds of students at; helped students with their homework; provided students with relevant feedback; organized and run practical sessions on Javascript; organized Tech events; motivated developers from local Tech communities to join the mentoring program and worked with them for a collective goal.

  • Jul 2019 – Sep 2019

    Frontend Coding Bootcamp

    Absolute 2nd best student out of 90+ selected students in Uzbekistan.

    RSSchool provides free IT education and mentorship online in over 10 countries with more than several thousands of students enrolling in each batch. Students vary in their experience, starting from newcomers to people with over 5 years of professional experience in the field. And everyone gets something new to learn.

  • Aug 2017 - Oct 2019

    Full-stack Javascript developer

    Worked on personal project related to cross platform mobile app development.

  • 2017 - 2019: Career Transition

  • Sep 2010 – Jul 2017

    Senior Lecturer

    Taught Finance, Business and Math subjects at Westminster International University in Tashkent.

  • Sep 2016 – Oct 2016

    TechWomen Emerging Leader

    TechWomen empowers, connects and supports the next generation of women leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from Africa, Central and South Asia, and the Middle East.

    Participated in three weeks professional mentorship program at LinkedIn; took part in tech sessions organized by top Silicon Valley companies including Google, Facebook, Oracle, Mozilla, Symantec, Autodesk and others; discussed experiences of launching startups with tech entrepreneurs.

  • Jan 2016 – Apr 2017

    Co-founder at do.IT.women

    Organized a series of workshops together with prominent local female guest speakers in Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Internet, Entrepreneurship and other topics for audiences of hundreds of people; delivered trainings in web development using WordPress for female entrepreneurs/activists who wanted to start their own businesses/social projects; mentored women and girls and encouraged them to pursue careers in STEM field.

  • Dec 2015 – Mar 2017

    Coordinator at Center for Entrepreneurship

    Developed the concept of Center for Entrepreneurship; organized seminars with successful entrepreneurs who shared their experiences with university students and staff members; planned and organized start-up events including a startup competition for more than 50 startups; consulted students and staff members in issues related to launching new business projects.

  • 2014

    The winner in Dragons at Lund University 2014

    Category: Rhetoric qualities

  • 2014

    Startup Camp competition

    Absolute First place in competition with a focus on IT/web solutions, Sweden

  • 2014

    Mobility Management contest

    The absolute winner in contest in Øresund region

  • Sep 2013 – Jun 2014

    Masters in Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation

    SI Scholarship Recipient

    Studied at Lund University, one of the top 100 universities in the world, and one of the top universities in Sweden

  • Mar 2012 – Sep 2012

    Professional Management Program

    Scholarship Recipient; Second Best Student & Prize Winner

    Studied at The Uzbekistan-Japan Center for Human Development

  • May 2007 – Mar 2011

    Owner at Private IT Company

    Managed projects and worked with clients; prepared contracts; handled company's internal documentation; prepared and submitted financial statements to tax agencies; designed templates in Adobe Photoshop for web applications; created animations in Adobe Flash; helped the development team with coding web based applications in PHP.

  • 2006

    Association for Computing Machinery Contest

    3rd place in ACM Contest among universities of Uzbekistan

  • Sep 2004 – Jun 2008

    Bachelor of Science in Business Computing

    Scholarship Recipient

    Studied at Westminster International University in Tashkent

  • 2002 - 2004

    Math Olympiads

    Absolute 2nd place in city level Math Olympiad, Angren

Community Engagement

10+ public speaking at local and international events. 10+ mentoring & judging at country level and international hackathons. Interviews.